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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Financial bootstrapping: external financing dependency alternatives for SMEs
maria rita
The sensitivity of external financing is the main issue in developing small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in general. A similar problem is also experienced by several batik small and medium enterprises in Central Java, Indonesia. This research strives to explore the creative alternative strategies done by batik micro, small, and medium enterprises to reduce the dependence on external capital. The samples were chosen based on a purposive sampling method in three Central Java regions, namely Pekalongan Regency, Rembang Regency, and Surakarta Municipality. The data were then analyzed using a quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach. These research findings reveal that there are variations in the bootstrapping financing method; as well as financing profiles of each in the three regions that reveal the dynamics of business funding. Referring to the description of alternative funding patterns carried out by entrepreneurs, the bootstrapping strategy can be grouped into six (6...
International Journal of Islamic Economics
Construction Of Financial Funding Models Of Batik MSMEs In Central Java Oriented To Cost And Benefit Of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Research on the construction of the financial financing model for batik MSMEs in Central Java which is oriented towards the value of the cost and benefit of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) aims to see the extent to which the implementation of the cost and benefit value of CSR on batik MSMEs in Central Java, especially on three research objects. Among others: Laweyan batik, Lasem batik and Pekalongan batik. This is based on, maybe if we look at industry or large-scale companies, of course the cost and benefits they usually appear in every financial report at the end of each year. Meanwhile, for MSMEs to determine the implementation of the cost and benefit value, it has a tremendous impact on the survival of MSMEs. This research was conducted to determine that this research was conducted on a financial financing model for batik MSMEs which is oriented to the value of the cost and benefit of CSR. Data were collected using purposive sampling according to the criteria for determini...
Indonesia Law Review
Development of Collective Trademark for Batik Industry in Kampung Batik Laweyan (Laweyan Batik’s Village), Solo
2015 •
Agus Sardjono
Indonesia Law Review
Indonesian Experience in Dealing with Trademark Law: Case Study of Batik SMEs
2013 •
Agus Sardjono
Social Capital Mobilization Strategy to Sustain Community Entrepreneurship in Urban Neighborhood
2015 •
Prihadi Nugroho
Entrepreneurs in cities are prone to direct market change and urban growth in a country. Those who do not possess strong business network and strategic alliance are likely out of the game immediately. Building community entrepreneurship thus becomes critical to provide collective business network and learning, particularly for smaller entrepreneurs and new entrants, through the mobilization of social capital. This paper aims to examine how urban community institutionalizes the embedded stock of social capital in the neighborhood to cultivate sound entrepreneurial ambience parallel with the individual pursuit of profit maximization. The multiple strategies of incorporating traditional and informal inherited values into the contemporary dynamics of market and urban growth are quite successful to sustain the continuation of home-based industry in the neighborhood. The case study approach was undertaken to observe the re-emergence of local batik industry in Kampung Laweyan of Surakarta ...
The resilience of Chinese minorities: Transformation of Chinese entrepreneurs in Lasem batik industry, Central Java, Indonesia
2020 •
Mochamad Iqbal Jatmiko
The Lasem batik industry underwent a signifcant dynamic change after the inauguration of batik as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO on October 2, 2009. The increasing growth of the batik industry in Lasem turned out to affect the decline in industrial ownership by Chinese-Indonesian business person. Although the Chinese-Indonesian business person served as an initiator in the Lasem batik industry, it does not guarantee their survival against a massive ownership transition. This article explores the changing dynamics of the Lasem batik industry from the perspective of the Chinese-Indonesian business person who still maintains the continuity of their business. Employing a qualitative method and a narrative study approach, this article seeks to deepen the historical narrative about the lives of six Chinese-Indonesian business persons in the Lasem batik industry. The fndings show that since post-reformation until now, the ownership of the Lasem batik industry by Chinese-Indonesian business person continues to decline. Therefore, the expansion of the intra-ethnic network, identity hybridization, cultural acculturation, and authentication of batik motifs became the survival strategies of Chinese-Indonesian business persons to be resistant to industrial ownership transitions and survived competing in the Lasem batik business.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
An Application of Soft System Methodology in Batik Industrial Cluster Solo by Using Service System Science Perspective
2014 •
Pri Hermawan
Are SME’s Product and Local Government Programs (OVOP)Coherent?
ana shohibul
In the developing countries, the government has a vital role in supporting the development of SME’s as one of economic pillars. There are studies which state that the government has played an active role in supporting the development of SME’s, either from policy or implementation, but several studies argue that government failure in supporting and creating business climate has caused business stagnation for SME’s. This study aims to analyze the coherence between government policy through Regional Superior Products development (under OVOP) program with SME’s main product choice in Central Java province. The analysis using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), on the data collected through focus group discussion (FGD), questionnaire, and secondary data. The result of this study shows weak evidence that there is coherence between government program and SME’s/ SME’s main product choice, there are only 6 districts/cities that have coherence SME’s: Grobogan district, Blora, Rembang, Magelang ...
PALASTREN Jurnal Studi Gender
Representasi Semangat Berbagi Ekofeminisme Melalui Batik Tulis
Argyo Demartoto
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Measuring Efficiency of Using Resource in the Production Process of Making Stamped-Batik: A DEA Approach
2015 •
Pramudi Arsiwi