Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (2024)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (1)

By: Jovy Published: July 18, 2024 06:25 AM


Be ready for anything the Primordians throw at you by reading up on our ultimate Swarm Weapons Guide. Learn about the 29 different Weapons in Swarm, how to unlock them, and how to unleash their full potential.Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (2)

Unlockable Weapons

There are 20 weapons in the game that you can purchase during your Swarm runs, though most of them will be unavailable until you unlock them through completing objectives. Below is a list of all of the weapons you can unlock in Swarm, as well as an outline of what each weapon does, what Passives they scale with, and what Passive you need to Evolve each weapon. For even more information on Swarm, you can also check out our guide on How To Play Swarm!



Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (3)

Drops timed explosive projectiles in a ring that explode for large area damage.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (4)

Area Size

Unlocked by:

Completing a Bel’Veth Trial. You’ll unlock Bel’Veth trials after surviving for 5 minutes on any map on Hard Difficulty.

Anti-Shark Sea Mine


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (5)

Fires explosives that bounce between enemies.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (6)


Unlocked by:

Reaching level 30 with Briar. You unlock Briar by defeating her in the Outskirts Map on any difficulty.

Battle Bunny Crossbow


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (7)

Fires a cone of projectiles scaling with bonus crit chance in a random direction. Projectiles pierce on critical strike.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (8)

Critical Chance

Unlocked by:

Reaching level 30 with Yasuo. You unlock Yasuo by defeating Bel’Veth in the Subterranean Lab Map on any difficulty.



Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (9)

Fires returning projectiles at the nearest enemy.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (10)

Move Speed

Unlocked by:

Surviving for 2 minutes.

Bunny Mega-Blast


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (11)

Fires orbital strikes scaling with bonus critical chance at random enemies.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (12)

Critical Chance

Unlocked by:

Loading a Fuel Cell into the Ion Cannon on The Outskirts map.

Cyclonic Slicers


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (13)

Orbiting projectiles damage and knock back enemies.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Projectile Count, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (14)

Health Regen

Unlocked by:

Available by default.

Echoing Batblades


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (15)

Fires piercing projectiles that bounce off terrain.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (16)

Projectile Count

Unlocked by:

Reaching level 35 with Xayah. You unlock Xayah by completing 25 Bel’Veth Trials.

Final City Transit


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (17)

Trains occasionally appear and drive through enemies.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Armor.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (18)


Unlocked by:

Reaching level 25 with Leona. You unlock Leona by upgrading the Searing Shortbow to level 2.

Gatling Bunny-Guns


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (19)

Deals area damage over time in a cone.

Damage, Ability Haste, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (20)


Unlocked by:

Available by default.

Iceblast Armor


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (21)

Blocks damage and freezes surrounding enemies. Damage scales with Armor and Max Health.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Duration, Armor.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (22)


Unlocked by:

Freezing an enemy using the Freeze Bomb obelisk on the Subterranean Lab Map.

Lioness's Lament


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (23)

Fires crescent shaped projectiles.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (24)

Ability Haste

Unlocked by:

Available by default.

Paw Print Poisoner


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (25)

Leaves a damaging poison cloud behind while moving.

Damage, Area Size, Duration, Movement Speed.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (26)

Move Speed

Unlocked by:

Reaching level 35 with Riven. You unlock Riven by defeating Rek’Sai on the Warehouse District Map on Hard difficulty.

Radiant Field


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (27)

Damages nearby enemies, scaling with your Max Health.

Damage, Area Size, Max Health.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (28)

Max Health

Unlocked by:

Activating the Healing Fountain on the Warehouse District Map four times.

Searing Shortbow


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (29)

Fires projectiles that create lingering fire areas for a duration.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Projectile Count, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (30)

Area Size

Unlocked by:

Available by default.

Statikk Sword


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (31)

Fires a lightning shock that bounces between enemies with the highest absolute current health.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (32)

Max Health

Unlocked by:

Reaching level 20 on any character.



Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (33)

Summons Robo-Tibbers. Robo-Tibbers swipes, dealing area damage. Robo-Tibbers focuses on enemies with the highest absolute current health.

Damage, Ability Haste, Duration, Movement Speed.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (34)


Unlocked by:

Levelling five different weapons to level 5 in one game.

The Annihilator


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (35)

Summons a massive strike over the area after a delay which instantly kills all normal enemies and heavily damages Elite enemies.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (36)


Unlocked by:

Reaching level 35 with Aurora. You unlock Aurora by defeating 25 mini-bosses on Hard Difficulty.

UwU Blaster


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (37)

Rapidly fires laser projectiles at the nearest enemy.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (38)

Ability Haste

Unlocked by:

Available by default.

Vortex Glove


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (39)

Fires a rotating stream of projectiles.

Damage, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (40)

Health Regen

Unlocked by:

Reaching level 25 with Jinx.



Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (41)

Summons a Yuum.AI drone. Yuum.AI damages and knocks up enemies, and also gathers EXP Orbs.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Duration, Pickup Radius.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (42)

Pickup Radius

Unlocked by:

Defeating 15.000 enemies in total.

Signature Weapons

Each character has one Signature Weapon that is unique to them. You can’t purchase a different character’s Signature Weapon in any game. However, it’s still important to know what your Signature Weapon scales with and which passive it needs to evolve. Using this information, you can figure out the best weapon combos with each character.

In the tables underneath each Signature Weapon, we’ve listed several weapon options that either have the same Evolution path, or similar or identical scalings to the given character’s Signature Weapon. In the right column, we’ve listed the Passives you’d require to Evolve all of the suggested Weapons + the Signature Weapon.

Other Passive slots can be filled by anything you like. Most weapons scale with Damage and many scale with Ability Haste and Critical Chance; so these three Passives are great flex options.

Jinx - Meow Meow


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (43)

Jinx shoots bullets in a target direction.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (44)

Ability Haste

Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (45)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (46)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (47)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (48)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (49)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (50)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (51)

Seraphine - Sound Wave


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (52)

Seraphine sends out a wave, damaging and slowing enemies hit.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (53)

Projectile Count

Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (54)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (55)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (56)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (57)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (58)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (59)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (60)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (61)

Leona - Shield Slam


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (62)

Leona slams her shield, dealing damage in a cone.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance, Armor.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (63)


Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (64)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (65)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (66)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (67)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (68)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (69)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (70)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (71)

Illaoi - Tentacle Slam


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (72)

Illaoi slams the ground, dealing damage and spawning a tentacle that will attack nearby enemies.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (73)


Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (74)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (75)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (76)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (77)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (78)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (79)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (80)

Briar - Pillory Swipe


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (81)

Briar sweeps in front of her, dealing damage.

Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance, Max Health.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (82)

Max Health

Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (83)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (84)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (85)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (86)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (87)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (88)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (89)

Yasuo - Steel Tempest


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (90)

Yasuo gains flow, which increases as he moves and dashes. At 100 flow stacks, he throws out a whirlwind.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (91)

Critical Chance

Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (92)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (93)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (94)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (95)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (96)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (97)

Riven - Bunny Hop


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (98)

Riven passively gains movement speed and a charge as she moves. At maximum charge, she jumps forward. Every second cast knocks up enemies.

Damage, Area Size, Critical Chance, Movement Speed.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (99)

Move Speed

Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (100)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (101)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (102)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (103)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (104)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (105)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (106)

Aurora - Guiding Hex


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (107)

Aurora shoots a hex through the air, guiding it as it flies. Enemies take damage and are hexed. She purges hexed targets every 3rd cast of her spell, which deals extra damage.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count, Experience

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (108)


Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (109)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (110)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (111)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (112)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (113)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (114)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (115)

Xayah - Winged Dagger


Scales With


Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (116)

Xayah throws out a dagger in front of her that pierces through enemies. It eventually leaves a dagger on the ground.

Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count, Duration.

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (117)

Pickup Radius

Weapon Synergies

Required Passives

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (118)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (119)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (120)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (121)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (122)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (123)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (124)Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (125)

Swarm Weapons Guide - Weapon Evolution, Scalings, Synergies, and more! (2024)
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Article information

Author: Maia Crooks Jr

Last Updated:

Views: 5591

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.