Waco Tribune-Herald from Waco, Texas (2025)

pelettes. The program will be presented under the sponsorship of the Missionary Society, Mrs. Carrie Allen, president. Rev. L.

D. Bennett, former coach at Paul Quinn College, is the pastor of Baker Chapel. Rev. and Mrs. Bennett are shown seated in front of choir.

Mrs. Bennett is the registrar at Paul Quinn College. St. Paul Baptist Closes Anniversary Celebration Final services in the fifth anniversary celebration of Rev. Joe L.

Campbell, as pastor St. Paul Baptist Church, will be today at Robinson. The service will begin at 10 a. m. with Sunday School under the supervision of Mrs.

Mary W. Bonner, superintendent. Morning service is set for 11:30 with Rev. Charles Terrell named to deliver the sermon. Planned afternoon servies include: 2 o'clock minister in charge will be Rev.

G. L. Hall, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, and Rev. J.

D. Sterling of Community Baptist Church; 3 o'clock -ministers in charge will be Rev. T. J. Pennick of the Progressive Christian Church, Rev.

S. M. Cleaver of Mt. Zion Methodist Church, and Rev. J.

G. Green of Willow Grove Baptist Church. The choirs of all church have been invited to accompany their pastors. The anniversary hour has been set for 4 o'clock with Rev. L.

Grimes, pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist. Church of Asa, named to deliver the sermon. Others named to appear on this program are: welcome address by Miss Nancy Allan, Our pastor as a Christian Leader, Deacon John Jackson, solo by Nathaniel Dugay, and music by Mt. Olive choir.

Services in the series began Thursday night with the following pastors and church as invited guests Thursday and Friday nights: Rev. Wm. H. Gayle and New Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Rev.

Earl Walker and Lovers' Leap Baptist Church, Rev. M. E. Robinson and Zion Baptist Church, Rev. R.

W. Johnson and Majors Chapel Methodist Church, and Rev. B. F. Gilbert and Good Hope Baptist Church.

Members in charge of the services are: Robert Cline, master of ceremonies; John Jackson, J. L. Austin, Mrs. Sarah Austin, Savannah Jackson. Mildred Gaynor P.TA President In a colorful and climaxing ceremony, Barron Springs P.TA officers received instructions for their office and duties for the school year 1962-63 by Miss Malinda Austin, president of Classroom Teachers Association.

The officers are Mrs. Midred Gaynor, president; Mrs. C. E. Walker, first vice president; Mrs.

Ada Jo Nunn, second vice president; Mrs. Bettye Minor, third vice president; Mrs. Clarice Harris, fourth vice president; Mrs. Charlie M. Reid, secretary; Mrs.

Emma F. Mason, assistant secretary; Mrs. Genner Hastings, treasurer; Mrs. Mary F. Hudlin, pianist; Mrs.

Margret Jacobs, reporter; Mrs. Velma Washington, parliamentarian; Mrs. Velma Benson and Mrs. Bettye Wilkins, P.TA representatives; Mrs. Bettye Minor, Mrs.

Rosie Webb, Mrs. Florine Green and Mrs. Celia Green, program committee. HONORED M-Sgt. R.

Naylor of Waco recently was named Noncommissioned Officer of the Month for Hill AFB, Utah, on the basis of his outstanding conduct and performance of duty. He is the son of Mrs. Lennie Naylor of 1171 Cain Homes and is married to the former Eula M. Brown of 1807 South Eighteenth Street. They have four children.

Sgt. Naylor, a graduate of Moore High School, entered the service in 1947. DORIS MILLER FETE YMCA Planning May 6 Program Doris Miller Branch YMCA is preparing a two-phase 90-minute program for Sunday, May 6, to be held in the G. L. Wiley Junior High Auditorium and the YMCA facility.

The program in the school au- News of Negro Community According to Mrs. Caudia M. Brooks, clerk, the 61st anniversary and annual Thanksgiving service of the Supreme Camp of the American Woodmen is scheduled for today. The services for Camp 38 and Tent 46 of Waco will be held today at 10 a. m.

at Second Baptist Church, 1205 South Second Street, Rev. M. L. Cooper, pastor. Mrs.

Willie L. Smith is commander of Camp 38, and Mrs. Rosa L. Johnson is worthy guardian of Tent No. 46.

The public is invited to attend. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 6799, will sponsor a benefit tea this afternoon from 4 to 6 at Doris Miller Branch YMCA, 1021 Live Oak Street. Mrs. Evelyn Jones is president of the auxtee is composed Roberta iliary, and the publicits, commitBell, Mrs. Jennie V.

Whiteside, and Doris L. Harvey. The public is invited to attend. Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in the Gholson community held services last Sunday. The services for the day began with Sunday School under the direction of Supt.

0. L. Whittington and the staff of teachers. The pastor, Rev. C.

A. Williams, delivered the sermon in the morning service after devotion by the junior deacons. The Baptist Training Union was held at 6:25 p. m. with the vice president.

Walter Taylor, in charge. The Easter program was held at 8 p. m. with the youth of the church. Primrose Nursery, 1200 Primrose Avenue, held an Easter egg hunt April 20.

The eggs were furnished by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Brazos Post No. 6799, Eddie Evans, commander. Mrs Alice Fielder, a cousin of Mrs. Mable Moore, was a guest in the home of Mrs.

Moore recently. Mrs. Fielder is from Dallas. According to Mrs. D.

C. Rayford, president of the Clifford Wade Missionary Society, the society will present three distinct services at St. Luke AME Church today, Wacoans who attended the funeral of Mrs. Georgia Smith in Corsicana last Sunday were Mrs. Janie Harris, Mrs.

Adell Hall, Mrs. Eula C. Wise, Mrs. C. Hubbard, Mrs.

Rosie Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson, Frank Harris Frank Harris Calvin Harris, Nathaniel Burks, and Louis Robinson. Twenty -four children attended the birthday party for Willie Jene Simmons and Sheron Griffin on their seventh and eighth birthdays recently, The party was a joint affair given by their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. L. Burton, Mr. Mrs. Leo Simmons of 719 Miller Street.

Esmond Williams of 1500 North Seventh Street returned home Thursday from a local hospital. He is now recovering at home. News items intended for publication on this page should be sent to F. M. Johnson 1428 North Seventh Street, phone Plaza 3-1197, in order to reach him on or before Tuesday of each week.

Dentist Buried In San Antonio Former Wacoan SAN ANTONIO (SPL) Funeral services for Dr. Clarence held here at Mt. Zion Horne, a former, Wacoan, were First Baptist Church with Dr. C. William Black, pastor, delivering the eulogy.

Others who served on the pro-, gram were Rev. S. E. Stewart, Dr. P.

S. Wilkinson, Rev. Vernon W. McClure, Jean Parker, and the choir. Burial was in Ft.

Sam Houston National Cemetery. Dr. Horne was the only son of Mrs. Lucille Smith and spent his early life in Waco where he attended elementary school and graduated from Moore High School. He was a graduate of St.

Phillip's Junior Colleze, Wiley College, and Meharry Medical College. Dr. Horne interned at Guggenheim Clinic in New York, N.Y Dr. Horne became a member of New Hope Baptist Church in Waco at an early age. Dr.

Horne entered the practice of dentistry in 1948 and continued in that field until his death April 10. His survivors include: His widow, Mrs. Doris Mable Horne; two children, Darrell Keith, son, and Yvonne Janette, daughter; mother, Mrs. Lucille Smith; stepfather, M. Sgt.

Richard Smith; stepbrother, Richard Smith grandmother, Mrs. Annie Horne and other relatives. Wacoans who attended the funeal were Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Horne, Mrs.

Annie Horne, Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, Mrs. Florence Hunter, Mrs. R. B.

a liams, Misses Pearlie Mae Horne, Janet Hunter, and Joy Hunter, and L. V. Horne, Sunday, April 29, 1962 Texas- -Pogo 11-8 TODAY- -According to Rev. T. R.

Hartwell, pastor of HERE St. Paul AME Church, the Baker Knights Male Chorus of Baker Chapel AFE Church of Fort Worth is scheduled to sing at St. Paul Church, Webster Avenue at South Second Street, today at AME 4 p. m. Special guests on the same program will be the Gos- Honor, Attendance Roll Pupils Named at Carver GATESVILLE Last week members of the faculty of Carver High School released the names of those who were eligible for the honor roll and for the perfect attendance roll.

Those named on the honor roll for the fifth six weeks were: Grade 1-Paulette Brown, Ralph George Douglas Funeral Rites Held at Antioch Rev. R. L. Bailey, pastor of Antioch Baptist Church, delivered the eulogy at the funeral of George Douglas which was held at Antioch Tuesday afternoon. Others who appeared on the program were Reverends B.

F. Gilbert, and E. Grays; L. A. Jackson, and the choir.

Burial was in Greenwood cemetery with the deacons of Antioch serving 8.5 pallbearers. The flower bearers were deaconesses the church and members of the of, choir. George Douglas was born in 1875 at Austin where he lived until he was nine years of age. He moved with his family to San Antonio, and to Taylor. In 1897 he was married to Mrs.

Amanda Smith and to this union one child was born. He became a member of the church in 1903 and was baptized by Rev. A. R. Shackles.

He later became a member of Mt. Rose Baptist Church under the pastorate of Rev. J. C. Campbell.

Survivors Include one son, Willie C. Douglas; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Callie McCutcheon; a stepson, Herman Douglas, all of Waco; six grandchildren, dren, several step-grandchildren, and other relatives. Brown, Pamela Cobb, Lila Knox, and Terry Mayberry; Grade 2- Maria Bell, Ronald Brown, Gloria Cobb, Zella Griffin, and Paula Petty; Grade 3-Loretta Fowler, William Griffin, Willie C. Knox Pecolia Massey and Willie E.

Snow: Grade 4-Katherine Mayberry, Brenda Cobb, and Theresa E. Smith: Grade 5-Emma Shirlene Mayberry and Eula Edna Williams; Grade 6-Robert Brown Bobby Cole, Tillithia Fontaine, Shirlyn Griffin, and Lou Ann Hasty; Grade 7-Rebecca Brown; Grade 9-Nona Careter and Vera Petty: and Grade 12- Florence Brown and Arline Carter. Those who earned perfect attendance records were: Grade 1 Paulette Brown, Donnie R. Greenwood. and Lila Pearl Knox; Grade 2-Ronald Brown, Gloria Cobb, and Paul Petty; Grade 3- Willie C.

Knox Jr. and Pecolia Yvonne Massey; Grade 4-Lawrence E. Brown and Brenda Cobb; Grade 5-Raymond Cole and Larry D. Grade 6-Robert Brown Tillithia L. Fontaine, and Lou Ann Hasty; Grade 9- Claudia Cole and Vera Petty; 11-Mary Williams; and Grade 12-Charles Massey and Clayton Massey.

Negro State Home Plans Are Told CORSICANA -Plan for a state home for Negroes in Corsicana were told by President James A. Turman of Texas Youth Council in a Lions Club speech here recently. He said the proposal will be presented the next session of the Legislature. Turman said a home for dependent and neglected Negro children is one of the state's most urgent needs. Marlin Classes Tribune-Herald Plant Visitors Fourth and sixth grade students from Booker T.

Washington Elementary School at Marlin recently visited the Waco Tribune Herald plant. They were accompanied by teachers Mmes. R. L. HumR.

Caphus and Bessie Mackay, Fourth graders were: Jerry Don McGaughy, Paul Ashly, Steve Burns, David Hudson, Jerrell Lee Jones, Darrel Makovy, Timothy Parker, Barry Rutherford, Jesse rea, George Gamble, Deborah Saucedo, Stephen, Stewart, Joe UrBlackburn, Gloria Castanada, Marilyn Chapa, Sherri Lynn Culp, Jeanette Glockzen, Elizabeth Hernandez, Pauline Hurst, Judith Klein, Carol Lovell, Anita Martinez, Pamela Messec, Virginia Tubbs, Charlotte Whiddon, Kathleen Wiese and Rita Gann. Sixth graders were: Gwen Smith, Brenda Scoggs, Linda Williams, Charles Moore, Kathryn Lynn, Charles Tibbs, Freddie Rogers, Linda Humphrey, Carolyn Soders, Shirley Wilson, Barbara Williams, Carolyn Kiker, Edison Sweatt, Carolyn McGowan, Dorothy Ruth Massington, Patricia Davis, James Hayes, Kay Washington, Erma Jewel Davis, Bobby Richardson. Paulette Robertson, James Henderson, Linda Sue Davis, Algeredia Waites, Eddie Benson and Patricia Hopwood. Also Myrtle Baldwin, Ernest Baysinger, Ollie F. Betties, James Bigham, Wilbert Bledsoe, Willie P.

Bohanna, Delores Broadus, James Canady, Winston Clark, Dwain Dancy, George Davis, Marvin Foster, Charles Gay, Larry Johnson, Glenda Jones, Edna Jordan, Lynn, Andrew L. Celestine, June Paul, Queen Ester Phillips, Coydell Porter, Norris Jean Sexton, Erny Walker, Alvin Washington, Archie Washington, Edward Washington, Jerry Weatherspoon, Gene C. Williams, Alma F. Wright, Christine Collins and James Bigham. SUNDAY CROSS.WORD PUZZLE 46 50 68 69 70 196 1100 101 102 126 131 133 1160 162 167 168 169 ACROSS: 64 Shed feathers 1 Cherished d1 will 68 Mulberries Greek letter 69 Of the cheek 10 Bring legal 71 As it stands action (Mus.

13 Came into sight 72 Afternoon 19 Complainers parties 20 Reaches 76 Not cognizant of 22 Ha vine no 78 Stroke lightly certain course 79 Weep 24 Sun god 81 Called to answer 25 Observes an indictment 26 Symbol for 83 Craze ruthenium 84 Elude 27 The smooth Duck breathinx 88 Combining 28 River islands form: dawn 29 State (abbr.) 89 French 30 Perform champagne 32 To make 90 Gun (slang) Justerless 91 Preposition 34 At any time 92 Drinks with 35 Signal of tongue distress 94 Silkworm 36 Man's nickname 95 Of age (abbr.) 37 Three handed 97 Exists card game Brilliant 39 Brood of star (var pheasants 101 Tropical tree 40 Word of negation 103 Remain erect 42 Teutonic deity 105 Twisted band 43 Japanese coin of flowers 41 Spanish artist 109 Mournful 45 Killed 110 Rabid 47 Accelerates 111 Terse 50 Large tubs 113 Snake (pl.) 32 Wash in 114 Greek letter clear water 116 Act in listless. 53 Color sad manner 55 Ancient 118 Footlike part 56 Rugged crest of 119 Dislike very mountain range much 58 Sower 120 Young herringe 59 Takes It easy 123 Man's nickname 61 River (8p.) 124 Scandinavian 62 Corrects 126 Cuts apart SEE ditoium is designed specifically for the membership of the YMCA. It is open to the general public. Dr. J.

L. Patton, principal of Booker T. Washington Technical High School, Dallas, will be the main speaker and his appearance will be in the first part. 'The recipient of many honors and citations, Dr. Patton is expected to relate many successful experiences encountered as a layman working with organizations, especially as a board member of the Moorland Branch YMCA, Dallas.

The second part will deal specitically with an unveiling ceremony honoring Doris Miller, internationally known hero of Pearl Harbor during World War who gallantly defended his captain and his ship against Jap Zero planes during a horrified attack. Doris Miller was native of Waco and many places bear his name as a symbol of his heroism. Mrs. Henrietta Miller, mother of Doris Miller, will be on hand for the ceremony, accompanied by her sons. Band Snusic will be played during both ceremonies.

Fred D. Batts, boys' work; Dr. L. R. Adams, adult program, and E.

A. Arnold, recognition, their committees, are making plans for this, occasion. A native Dallas, Dr. Patton graduated from Prairie View College and New York University, and has earned the bacheJor of science, master of arts, and doctor of literature degrees. Professionally he has spent 11 years teacher in the Dallas Independent School District, 21 years as principal of the Washington Technical High School, assistant director of public evening schools and assistant coordinator of adult civil defense.

He is a member of the board of directors of Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company, Los Angeles, trustee, Wiley College, Marshall; trustee, Bethel AME Church, Dallas: member, board of management, Moorland Branch YMCA, Dallas. Dr. Patton has been cited by Paul Quinn College, Prairie View College, Alumni Award; Al pha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Citizenship Award; National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers life membership award; Young Men's Christian Association: March of Dimes leadership citation; United Negro College Fund, leadership citation; Dallas Teachers Council service award. He holds memberships in Teachers State Association of Texas, National Association of Secondary School Principals, Dallas Negro Chamber of Commerce, Alpha Phi Fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Dallas School Executive's Club, 32nd degree Free and Accepted Mason and Knights of Pythias. 15-YEAR AWARD -Mrs.

Ruthie (Cricket) Carter has been given a gold watch for having worked at Connally Funeral Home for 15 years. Mrs. Carter is maid for the firm which recently expanded its facilities. She lives at 805 Lennox. P.TA to Install Play Equipment At West Dunbar WEST -Parent-Teachers Association of Dunbar High School voted to place slides and a merry-goround on the campus for the children.

Miss Myrtha Wright, a student teacher from Paul Quinn College, who had completed her nine weeks of practice teaching at Dunbar, spoke to the P.TA members on the subject, The Spanish and Home Making departments presented their annual Spanish play and style review Thursday night in the M. 0. Robinson Gymnasium. Forty garments were demonstrated for school, church, sports, formal, and street wear. The Spanish play, "In the was portrayed by Patricia Wagoner, Robert Campbell, James Johnson Hollis Henley, Everett Satchell, and Ellen Wilkinson.

Friday the Dun baraires presented a program of spiritual music in assembly. Remarks made by Principal M. O. Robinand D. Johnson.

MISS LULA MOORE, daughter of Mrs. Wilma Smith of 809 South Second Street, participated in Meharry Medical College Student Research Day program recently. Miss Moore, a senior nurse, presented a paper entitled: "Problems of Adequate Isolation Techniques in a Teaching Institution." On April 8 a photo of another Miss Lula Moore, who was on the same program, appeared on this page by mistake. Home Demo Agent Offers Pointers If You're Tired FRANCINE CHILDS Student of Month LUCIOUS DAILY Honored Teacher Top Teacher, Pupil Named At Paul Quinn The Van Dyke Club has elected Lucious Daily and Francine Cheryl Childs AS "Teacher and Student" of the Month respectively. This is Daily's first year at Quinn.

He is the former director of health and physical education at Mississippi Industrial College, Holly Springs, Miss. He holds a graduate degree in physical education from Adams State College, Alamosa, Colo. At Quinn he serves as athletic director and basketball coach. His basketball team was co-champion with a scasonal record of 6-2. His wife, Doris Daily, is a musIc teacher at Sims High School, Holly Springs, Miss.

Mrs. Daily is a vocalist and is being featured in the Fine Arts Festival presented in May by the Lyceum Committee of the college. Francine Childs is a senior from Amarillo, with a major in biology and a minor in physical education. At Quinn. Francine often has made the dean's list.

She is active in extra-curricular activities as a representative of the senior class in the student council, a member of the ChezNous Club, E. Religious Education Club, and the annual staff. After graduation. Francine plans to become a technician in a medical laboratory. Election Scheduled MARLIN (SPL) The student body of the Booker T.

Washington High School is busy preparing for the election of officers for the Student Council for the coming school year of 1962-1963. Election date la May 8 Why so tired? Is it from work, boredom, frustration or a physical problem? If it is because you hve been working, fine. Just eat and sleep as you should and you will be ready for another day, says Mrs. Dorothy V. Talbot, Negro county home demonstration agent.

If it is from boredom, perhaps you can change your routine of work. If you have been rushing here Evangelical Board Ends State Parley Closing services of the" State Evangelical Board, Central Texas Zone, have been planned for today at, the Good Samaritan Baptist Church, 933 Olive Street, Rev. N. Weaver, pastor, The schedule of services for today include the hour of consecration at 9 a. sermon by the Rev.

N. Weaver, at 11 o'clock; Baptist Young People's Union at 6 p. songs of inspiration by the Estelle Singers from 7 to and closing sermon by Rev. B. T.

Talbert, pastor of Sunset Baptist Church of Riesel. The closing remarks will be made by Rev. N. T. Burks state worker, and pastor of Toliver's Chapel Baptist Church.

Sessions of the board meeting began Tuesday and continued each day with addresses based on Biblical accounts by ministers of the Central Texas Zone. Sessions of the board meeting began Tuesday and continued each day with addresses based en Biblical accounts by ministers of the Central Texas Zone. Officers of the district are Rev. N. Weaver, Central, Texas Zone leader; Rev, Williams, chairman of the Evangelical board of Union Baptist Association; Rev.

Chester Brookins, chairman of the State Evangelical Board of the Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas; Rev. J. L. Dawson, corresponding secretary; and Rev. N.

T. Burks state worker. 12. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED and there, slow down, rest and read a good story or pick up your hobby, Take a good impartial look at the way you have been doing the job that you don't like to do. Think of a different and more interesting way of doing it.

Perhaps you need to observe how some friend does the job--we often learn from each other, Mrs. Talbot says. It you are tired because of frustration, perhaps you have taken on too many outside responsibilities for one with your energy and your family duties. "It you are trying to juggle too many jobs as well as yourself, you may need to say no to some demands and catch up on your Mrs. Talbot suggests.

Do you have a physical reason for feeling under par? If so, this deserves the very best kind of planning and cooperation from every member of your familyand perhaps your doctor. There are many mechanical devices to take hard labor out of work. Study ways of making your work easier, and use the principles of work simplification until you master some of the troublesome techniques, Mrs. Talbot says. Check yourself by this list: 1.

Leave out a part of the job; 2. Use the best tool for the job; 3. Work in a comfortable position; 4. Combine jobs or parts of jobs; 5. Use both hands; 6.

Keep things within easy reach. 23 25 38 1107 35 80 120 Part of body 5 Inexperienced 131 Gratuity 6 Attempts 132 An Arabian Peel romance Stupitted 137 Packing case by a blow 138 Business 9 Pronoun transaction 10 utensil for 139 Incompetent sifting 143 Fathered 11 Deprive of 113 Designer of courage U.8. fLAK 12 Danish 144 Pronoun weight (pl. 1 145 Baseball 13 Rents position (abbr.) 14 A constallation 147 City of Chaldea 15 Worthless 148 Answer (abbr.) leavings 150 Secure 16 Combining from: 151 American feast day humorist 17 French for and 152 Fortunate 18 Distinct (India 19 Covered with turf 153 Flayptian sacred bull 21 Beverage 23 Go at an easy 155 Objective 158 Cooled cloth gallop 130 3.1416 31 South Afrikaans 140) Unclosed 33 Alations 141 River of Asia 36 Curve 162 Man's nickname 38 The sesame 163 First man 41 Alleged force 165 Rizht (abbr.) 41 Part of 166 Trapping plant (pl) Get ready 44 Afternoon nap 170 Building for 46 Correlative of storing care (pl.) neither 172 A fireplace (pl.) 48 Raised transpor. 173 Compass point tation lines 174 Employ 49 Cruise 173 Guarantee 51 Consumer 52 Radical DOWN: Carry on person Bird 37 Cook in 2 Japanese certain way measure 58 Traps Causes to rise 60 Slumber 4 Exploit 61 Estimate SOLUTION TO PUZZLE ON PAGE Edwards Chapel Has Easter Play 118 138 125 63 Greek letter 64 Short for tall flower 65 Wild ass of Asia (pl.) 1 06 Miss Turner 67 Taunt 49 Rabid 10 Fish exes 73 Either, a notehand breve 74 Anti 75 Vessel's curved planking 77 Cooled lava 78 Sheet of window glass (pl.) Made into A large package 82 Artificial language 85 Promise solemnly 87 Varnish ingredient 91 Theater attendants 93 One who seta wait 91 Engrave with acid 95 Non Moslem subject of Ottoman empire 96 Milkfish Pronoun 99 School of 100 Sun dried brick 101 do be it 102 Ethiopian title 103 Symbol for tin 104 River of England 106 Epistle (abbr.) 107 Item of property (pl.) 1 M.

A. Brooks and H. J. 'Tymony directed the Easter play, "Darkness before Dawn," at Edwards Chapel AME Church. The play carried the story of crucifixion and resurrection.

The cast of characters included: Peter, Johnny Cox; Andrew, WilLiam Walton; John, Billy Toliver; Judas, Charles Burks: Marcus, H. J. Tymony; Mary, mother of Jesus, Dora Lee Spratt; and Mary Magdelene, Mrs. E. L.

Toliver. 1150 153 12. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED 108 As If stands 112 Bones 115 Book of maps 117 Country for South America 118 Kind at tree 121 Prefix: before 122 Yellow ocher 124 Pen point 125 Abstract being 125 Fragments 127 Eating away 128 Container for flowers 130 Evening services of prayer 131 Mongols 133 It is (contr.) 134 Sandarac tree 135 Football zame official 136 Skilled person (pl.) 138 Smarts 140 Greek letter 141 Begin battle with 144 Feminine name 146 Tendon 149 Kind of car 152 Rods for holding roasting meat 153 High mountains 154 Juice of piant 156 Opposed to awnather 157 Sailors 160 Anglo-Saxon coin 164 Annamese measure 167 Land measure 149 Symbol for zold 171 Greek (abbr.) We Invite Your Inspection of the Fine Homes in River Oaks Addition (Drive up Dallas Street to Faulkner's Lane Follow Signs) OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY 3 P.M. 'TIL DARK Restricted Residential Community 3 Bedroom Homes Tile Bath FHA, or Gl Loans Low as $300 Down Payment Monthly Payments From $60 Will Custom Build Your Plan Owners Alta Corporation Builders PL 6-2147 PL 6-2229.

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.