Not all the evolutions in this game are one-to-one with the mainline games. Detailed below are special evolution methods used in PokéRogue in addition to all the methods left unchanged.
If an evolution mentions it must be a certain time of day, that is in relation to the current area of the game you are in, weather and actual time of day do not effect it.
Stone Evolutions
All below evolutions require a certain Evolution Stone for certain Pokémon.
Click here to see all Stone Evolutions.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Stone Required | PokéRogue Specific | Extra Information |
Alolan Sandshrew | Alolan Sandslash | Ice Stone | No | |
Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Ninetales | Ice Stone | No | |
Capsakid | Scovillain | Fire Stone | No | |
Cetoddle | Cetitan | Ice Stone | No | |
Charjabug | Vikavolt | Thunder Stone | No | |
Clefairy | Clefable | Moon Stone | No | |
Cottonee | Whimsicott | Sun Stone | No | |
Crabrawler | Crabominable | Ice Stone | No | |
Doublade | Aegislash | Dusk Stone | No | |
Eelektrik | Eelektross | Thunder Stone | No | |
Eevee | Flareon | Fire Stone | No | |
Eevee | Vaporeon | Water Stone | No | |
Eevee | Jolteon | Thunder Stone | No | |
Eevee | Leafeon | Leaf Stone | No | |
Eevee | Glaceon | Ice Stone | No | |
Exeggcute | Exeggutor | Leaf Stone | No | |
Exeggcute | Alolan Exeggutor | Leaf Stone | Yes | Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome |
Floette | Florges | Shiny Stone | No | Does not work on Eternal Floette |
Galarian Darumaka | Galarian Darmanitan | Ice Stone | No | |
Gloom | Vileplume | Leaf Stone | No | |
Gloom | Bellossom | Sun Stone | No | |
Growlithe | Arcanine | Fire Stone | No | |
Helioptile | Heliolisk | Sun Stone | No | |
Hisuian Growlithe | Hisuian Arcanine | Fire Stone | No | |
Hisuian Voltorb | Hisuian Electrode | Leaf Stone | No | |
Jigglypuff | Wigglytuff | Moon Stone | No | |
Lampent | Chandelure | Dusk Stone | No | |
Lombre | Ludicolo | Water Stone | No | |
Magneton | Magnezone | Thunder Stone | No | |
Minccino | Cinccino | Shiny Stone | No | |
Misdreavous | Mismagius | Dusk Stone | No | |
Munna | Musharna | Moon Stone | No | |
Murkrow | Honchkrow | Dusk Stone | No | |
Nidorina | Nidoqueen | Moon Stone | No | |
Nidorino | Nidoking | Moon Stone | No | |
Nosepass | Probopass | Thunder Stone | No | |
Nuzleaf | Shiftry | Leaf Stone | No | |
Panpour | Simipour | Water Stone | No | |
Pansage | Simisage | Leaf Stone | No | |
Pansear | Simisear | Fire Stone | No | |
Petilil | Lilligant | Sun Stone | Yes | Must be Day or Dawn |
Petilil | Hisuian Lilligant | Sun Stone | Yes | Must be Night or Dusk |
Pikachu | Raichu | Thunder Stone | No | |
Pikachu | Alolan Raichu | Thunder Stone | Yes | Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome |
Poliwhirl | Poliwrath | Water Stone | No | |
Roselia | Roserade | Shiny Stone | No | |
Shellder | Cloyster | Water Stone | No | |
Skitty | Delcatty | Moon Stone | No | |
Staryu | Starmie | Water Stone | No | |
Sunkern | Sunflora | Sun Stone | No | |
Tadbulb | Bellibolt | Thunder Stone | No | |
Togetic | Togekiss | Shiny Stone | No | |
Vulpix | Ninetales | Fire Stone | No | |
Weepinbell | Victreebel | Leaf Stone | No |
Biome Evolutions
All below evolutions must be in certain Biomes for certain Pokémon.
Click here to see all Biome Evolutions.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Biome Required | PokéRogue Specific |
Cubone | Alolan Marowak | Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome | Yes |
Koffing | Galarian Weezing | Must be in Metropolis Biome or Slum Biome | Yes |
Mime Jr. | Galarian Mr. Mime | At least level 1 while knowing Mimic. Must be in Ice Cave or Snowy Forest Biome | Yes |
Item Evolutions
All below evolutions require finding a rare special item for certain Pokémon.
Click here to see all Item Evolutions.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Item Needed | PokéRogue Specific | Extra Information |
Applin | Flapple | Tart Apple | No | |
Applin | Appletun | Sweet Apple | No | |
Applin | Dipplin | Syrupy Apple | No | |
Charcadet | Armarouge | Auspicious Armor | No | |
Charcadet | Ceruledge | Malicious Armor | No | |
Duraludon | Archaludon | Metal Alloy | No | |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarian Slowbro | Galarica Cuff | No | |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarian Slowking | Galarica Wreath | No | |
Kubfu | Urshifu (Single Strike Style) | Scroll of Darkness | No | |
Kubfu | Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style) | Scroll of Waters | No | |
Milcery | Alcremie | Strawberry Sweet | Yes | See Alcremie Forms for more details |
Poltchageist | Sinistcha | Unremarkable Teacup | No | |
Poltchageist | Sinistcha | Masterpiece Teacup | No | It will have a mark at the bottom |
Scyther | Kleavor | Black Augurite | No | |
Sinistea | Polteageist | Cracked Teapot | No | |
Sinistea | Polteageist | Chipped Teapot | No | It will have a mark at the bottom |
Ursaring | Ursaluna | Peat Block | No | Does not need to be under a full moon |
Linking Cord Evolutions
All below trade-evolutions have been changed to require Linking Cord.
Click here to see all Linking Cord Evolutions.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | PokéRogue Specific | Extra Information |
Alolan Graveler | Alolan Golem | Yes | |
Boldore | Gigalith | Yes | |
Clamperl | Huntail | Yes | If Male |
Clamperl | Gorebyss | Yes | If Female |
Dusclops | Dusknoir | Yes | |
Electabuzz | Electivire | Yes | |
Feebas | Milotic | Yes | |
Graveler | Golem | Yes | |
Gurdurr | Conkeldurr | Yes | |
Haunter | Gengar | Yes | |
Kadabra | Alakazam | Yes | |
Karrablast | Escavalier | Yes | Must have caught or hatched Shelmet at least once |
Machoke | Machamp | Yes | |
Magmar | Magmortar | Yes | |
Onix | Steelix | Yes | Must know a Steel type move |
Phantump | Trevenant | Yes | |
Poliwhirl | Politoed | Yes | |
Porgyon | Porygon2 | Yes | |
Porgyon2 | PorygonZ | Yes | |
Pumpkaboo | Gourgeist | Yes | |
Rhydon | Rhyperior | Yes | |
Scyther | Scizor | Yes | Must know a Steel type move |
Seadra | Kingdra | Yes | |
Shelmet | Accelgor | Yes | Must have caught or hatched Karrablast at least once |
Slowpoke | Slowking | Yes | |
Spritzee | Aromatisse | Yes | |
Swirlix | Slurpuff | Yes |
Friendship Evolutions
Friendship evolutions were lowered significantly for PokéRogue, due to the higher difficulty to raise it. The values are as such:
Click here to see all Friendship Evolutions.
Pokémon Name | Starting Friendship | Evolution | Friendship Needed | PokéRogue Specific |
Alolan Meowth | 50 | Alolan Persian | 70 | Yes |
Azurill | 50 | Marill | 70 | Yes |
Budew | 50 | Roselia | 70 during Day or Dawn | Yes |
Buneary | 0 | Lopunny | 70 | Yes |
Chansey | 140 | Blissey | 200 | Yes |
Chingling | 70 | Chimecho | 90 during Night or Dusk | Yes |
Cleffa | 140 | Clefairy | 160 | Yes |
Eevee | 50 | Espeon | 70 during Day | Yes |
Eevee | 50 | Umbreon | 70 during Night | Yes |
Eevee | 50 | Sylveon | 70 while knowing a Fairy-type move | Yes |
Gimmighoul | 50 | Gholdengo | 70 | Yes |
Golbat | 50 | Crobat | 110 | Yes |
Happiny | 140 | Chansey | 160 | Yes |
Igglybuff | 50 | Jigglypuff | 70 | Yes |
Munchlax | 50 | Snorlax | 90 | Yes |
Pichu | 70 | Pikachu | 90 | Yes |
Riolu | 50 | Lucario | 90 during Day or Dawn | Yes |
Snom | 50 | Frosmoth | 90 during Night or Dusk | Yes |
Swadloon | 70 | Leavanny | 110 | Yes |
Togepi | 50 | Togetic | 70 | Yes |
Type: Null | 0 | Silvally | 70 | Yes |
Woobat | 50 | Swoobat | 70 | Yes |
Level-up Evolutions
Certain Pokémon were changed to either be ordinary level-based evolutions, or leveling up during a specific time.
Click here to see all Level-up Evolutions.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Method | PokéRogue Specific |
Aipom | Ambipom | At least level 32 while knowing Double Hit | Yes |
Basculin-White | Basculegion | Level 40 | Yes |
Bergmite | Avalugg | Level 37 during the Dawn or Day | Yes |
Bergmite | Hisuian Avalugg | Level 37 during the Dusk or Night | Yes |
Bisharp | Kingambit | Level 64 | Yes |
Bonsly | Sudowoodo | At least level 1 while knowing Mimic | Yes |
Bramblin | Brambleghast | Level 30 | Yes |
Clobbopus | Grapploct | At least level 35 while knowing Taunt | Yes |
Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Level 53 during the Day | Yes |
Cosmoem | Lunala | Level 53 during the Night | Yes |
Dartrix | Decidueye | Level 34 during the Dawn or Day | Yes |
Dartrix | Hisuian Decidueye | Level 36 during the Dusk or Night | Yes |
Dewott | Samurott | Level 36 during the Dawn or Day | Yes |
Dewott | Hisuian Samurott | Level 36 during the Dusk or Night | Yes |
Dipplin | Hydrapple | At least level 1 while knowing Dragon Cheer | Yes |
Dunsparce | Dudunsparce | At least level 32 while knowing Hyper Drill | Yes |
Finizen | Palafin | Level 38 | Yes |
Fomantis | Lurantis | Level 34 during the Day | No |
Galarian Farfetch'd | Sirfetch'd | Level 30 | Yes |
Galarian Yamask | Runerigus | Level 34 | Yes |
Girafarig | Farigiraf | At least level 32 while knowing Twin Beam | Yes |
Gligar | Gliscor | Any Level during the Night | Yes |
Goomy | Sliggoo | Level 40 during the Dawn or Day | Yes |
Goomy | Hisuian Sliggoo | Level 40 during the Dusk or Night | Yes |
Hisuian Qwilfish | Overqwil | At least level 28 while knowing Barb Barrage | Yes |
Hisuian Sneasel | Sneasler | Any Level during the Day | Yes |
Inkay | Malamar | Level 30 | Yes |
Kirlia | Gardevoir | Level 30 if Female | Yes |
Kirlia | Gallade | Level 30 if Male | Yes |
Lickitung | Lickilicky | At least level 32 while knowing Rollout | Yes |
Mantyke | Mantine | Level 32 while having caught or hatched Remoraid at least once | Yes |
Meltan | Melmetal | Level 48 | Yes |
Mime Jr. | Mr. Mime | At least level 1 while knowing Mimic | Yes |
Pawmo | Pawmot | Level 32 | Yes |
Piloswine | Mamoswine | At least level 1 while knowing Ancient Power | Yes |
Poipole | Naganadel | At least level 1 while knowing Dragon Pulse | Yes |
Primeape | Annihilape | At least level 35 while knowing Rage Fist | Yes |
Quilava | Typhlosion | Level 36 during the Dawn or Day | Yes |
Quilava | Hisuian Typhlosion | Level 36 during the Dusk or Night | Yes |
Rellor | Rabsca | Level 29 | Yes |
Rufflet | Braviary | Level 54 during the Dawn or Day | Yes |
Rufflet | Hisuian Braviary | Level 54 during the Dusk or Night | Yes |
Sneasel | Weavile | Any Level during the Night | Yes |
Snorunt | Glalie | Level 42 if Male | Yes |
Snorunt | Froslass | Level 42 if Female | Yes |
Stantler | Wyrdeer | At least level 25 while knowing Psyshield Bash | Yes |
Steenee | Tsaeeena | At least level 28 while knowing Stomp | Yes |
Tangela | Tangrowth | At least level 34 while knowing Ancient Power | Yes |
Wurmple | Silcoon | Level 7 during the Day | Yes |
Wurmple | Cascoon | Level 7 during the Night | Yes |
Yanma | Yanmega | At least level 33 while knowing Ancient Power | Yes |
Alcremie Form Evolutions
When evolving Milcery with the Strawberry Sweet, the resulting Alcremie form is based on your current biome.
Click here to see all Alcremie Form Evolutions.
Graphic | Form | Biome | PokéRogue Specific |
Vanilla Cream | Town, Plains, Grassy Field, Tall Grass | Yes | |
Ruby Cream | Badlands, Volcano, Graveyard, Factory, Slum | Yes | |
Matcha Cream | Forest, Swamp, Meadow, Jungle | Yes | |
Mint Cream | Sea, Beach, Lake, Seabed | Yes | |
Lemon Cream | Desert, Power Plant, Dojo, Ancient Ruins, Construction Site | Yes | |
Salted Cream | Mountain, Cave, Ice Cave, Fairy Cave, Snowy Forest | Yes | |
Ruby Swirl | Wasteland, Laboratory | Yes | |
Caramel Swirl | Temple, Island | Yes | |
Rainbow Swirl | The Abyss, Stratosphere, ??? | Yes |
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Gameplay |
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Biomes |