gameplay:evolutions [PokéRogue Wiki] (2025)

Not all the evolutions in this game are one-to-one with the mainline games. Detailed below are special evolution methods used in PokéRogue in addition to all the methods left unchanged.

If an evolution mentions it must be a certain time of day, that is in relation to the current area of the game you are in, weather and actual time of day do not effect it.

Stone Evolutions

All below evolutions require a certain Evolution Stone for certain Pokémon.

Click here to see all Stone Evolutions.

Pokémon Name Evolution Stone Required PokéRogue Specific Extra Information
Alolan Sandshrew Alolan Sandslash Ice Stone No
Alolan Vulpix Alolan Ninetales Ice Stone No
Capsakid Scovillain Fire Stone No
Cetoddle Cetitan Ice Stone No
Charjabug Vikavolt Thunder Stone No
Clefairy Clefable Moon Stone No
Cottonee Whimsicott Sun Stone No
Crabrawler Crabominable Ice Stone No
Doublade Aegislash Dusk Stone No
Eelektrik Eelektross Thunder Stone No
Eevee Flareon Fire Stone No
Eevee Vaporeon Water Stone No
Eevee Jolteon Thunder Stone No
Eevee Leafeon Leaf Stone No
Eevee Glaceon Ice Stone No
Exeggcute Exeggutor Leaf Stone No
Exeggcute Alolan Exeggutor Leaf Stone Yes Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome
Floette Florges Shiny Stone No Does not work on Eternal Floette
Galarian Darumaka Galarian Darmanitan Ice Stone No
Gloom Vileplume Leaf Stone No
Gloom Bellossom Sun Stone No
Growlithe Arcanine Fire Stone No
Helioptile Heliolisk Sun Stone No
Hisuian Growlithe Hisuian Arcanine Fire Stone No
Hisuian Voltorb Hisuian Electrode Leaf Stone No
Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Moon Stone No
Lampent Chandelure Dusk Stone No
Lombre Ludicolo Water Stone No
Magneton Magnezone Thunder Stone No
Minccino Cinccino Shiny Stone No
Misdreavous Mismagius Dusk Stone No
Munna Musharna Moon Stone No
Murkrow Honchkrow Dusk Stone No
Nidorina Nidoqueen Moon Stone No
Nidorino Nidoking Moon Stone No
Nosepass Probopass Thunder Stone No
Nuzleaf Shiftry Leaf Stone No
Panpour Simipour Water Stone No
Pansage Simisage Leaf Stone No
Pansear Simisear Fire Stone No
Petilil Lilligant Sun Stone Yes Must be Day or Dawn
Petilil Hisuian Lilligant Sun Stone Yes Must be Night or Dusk
Pikachu Raichu Thunder Stone No
Pikachu Alolan Raichu Thunder Stone Yes Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome
Poliwhirl Poliwrath Water Stone No
Roselia Roserade Shiny Stone No
Shellder Cloyster Water Stone No
Skitty Delcatty Moon Stone No
Staryu Starmie Water Stone No
Sunkern Sunflora Sun Stone No
Tadbulb Bellibolt Thunder Stone No
Togetic Togekiss Shiny Stone No
Vulpix Ninetales Fire Stone No
Weepinbell Victreebel Leaf Stone No

Biome Evolutions

All below evolutions must be in certain Biomes for certain Pokémon.

Click here to see all Biome Evolutions.

Pokémon Name Evolution Biome Required PokéRogue Specific
Cubone Alolan Marowak Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome Yes
Koffing Galarian Weezing Must be in Metropolis Biome or Slum Biome Yes
Mime Jr. Galarian Mr. Mime At least level 1 while knowing Mimic. Must be in Ice Cave or Snowy Forest Biome Yes

Item Evolutions

All below evolutions require finding a rare special item for certain Pokémon.

Click here to see all Item Evolutions.

Pokémon Name Evolution Item Needed PokéRogue Specific Extra Information
Applin Flapple Tart Apple No
Applin Appletun Sweet Apple No
Applin Dipplin Syrupy Apple No
Charcadet Armarouge Auspicious Armor No
Charcadet Ceruledge Malicious Armor No
Duraludon Archaludon Metal Alloy No
Galarian Slowpoke Galarian Slowbro Galarica Cuff No
Galarian Slowpoke Galarian Slowking Galarica Wreath No
Kubfu Urshifu (Single Strike Style) Scroll of Darkness No
Kubfu Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style) Scroll of Waters No
Milcery Alcremie Strawberry Sweet Yes See Alcremie Forms for more details
Poltchageist Sinistcha Unremarkable Teacup No
Poltchageist Sinistcha Masterpiece Teacup No It will have a mark at the bottom
Scyther Kleavor Black Augurite No
Sinistea Polteageist Cracked Teapot No
Sinistea Polteageist Chipped Teapot No It will have a mark at the bottom
Ursaring Ursaluna Peat Block No Does not need to be under a full moon

Linking Cord Evolutions

All below trade-evolutions have been changed to require Linking Cord.

Click here to see all Linking Cord Evolutions.

Pokémon Name Evolution PokéRogue Specific Extra Information
Alolan Graveler Alolan Golem Yes
Boldore Gigalith Yes
Clamperl Huntail Yes If Male
Clamperl Gorebyss Yes If Female
Dusclops Dusknoir Yes
Electabuzz Electivire Yes
Feebas Milotic Yes
Graveler Golem Yes
Gurdurr Conkeldurr Yes
Haunter Gengar Yes
Kadabra Alakazam Yes
Karrablast Escavalier Yes Must have caught or hatched Shelmet at least once
Machoke Machamp Yes
Magmar Magmortar Yes
Onix Steelix Yes Must know a Steel type move
Phantump Trevenant Yes
Poliwhirl Politoed Yes
Porgyon Porygon2 Yes
Porgyon2 PorygonZ Yes
Pumpkaboo Gourgeist Yes
Rhydon Rhyperior Yes
Scyther Scizor Yes Must know a Steel type move
Seadra Kingdra Yes
Shelmet Accelgor Yes Must have caught or hatched Karrablast at least once
Slowpoke Slowking Yes
Spritzee Aromatisse Yes
Swirlix Slurpuff Yes

Friendship Evolutions

Friendship evolutions were lowered significantly for PokéRogue, due to the higher difficulty to raise it. The values are as such:

Click here to see all Friendship Evolutions.

Pokémon Name Starting Friendship Evolution Friendship Needed PokéRogue Specific
Alolan Meowth 50 Alolan Persian 70 Yes
Azurill 50 Marill 70 Yes
Budew 50 Roselia 70 during Day or Dawn Yes
Buneary 0 Lopunny 70 Yes
Chansey 140 Blissey 200 Yes
Chingling 70 Chimecho 90 during Night or Dusk Yes
Cleffa 140 Clefairy 160 Yes
Eevee 50 Espeon 70 during Day Yes
Eevee 50 Umbreon 70 during Night Yes
Eevee 50 Sylveon 70 while knowing a Fairy-type move Yes
Gimmighoul 50 Gholdengo 70 Yes
Golbat 50 Crobat 110 Yes
Happiny 140 Chansey 160 Yes
Igglybuff 50 Jigglypuff 70 Yes
Munchlax 50 Snorlax 90 Yes
Pichu 70 Pikachu 90 Yes
Riolu 50 Lucario 90 during Day or Dawn Yes
Snom 50 Frosmoth 90 during Night or Dusk Yes
Swadloon 70 Leavanny 110 Yes
Togepi 50 Togetic 70 Yes
Type: Null 0 Silvally 70 Yes
Woobat 50 Swoobat 70 Yes

Level-up Evolutions

Certain Pokémon were changed to either be ordinary level-based evolutions, or leveling up during a specific time.

Click here to see all Level-up Evolutions.

Pokémon Name Evolution Method PokéRogue Specific
Aipom Ambipom At least level 32 while knowing Double Hit Yes
Basculin-White Basculegion Level 40 Yes
Bergmite Avalugg Level 37 during the Dawn or Day Yes
Bergmite Hisuian Avalugg Level 37 during the Dusk or Night Yes
Bisharp Kingambit Level 64 Yes
Bonsly Sudowoodo At least level 1 while knowing Mimic Yes
Bramblin Brambleghast Level 30 Yes
Clobbopus Grapploct At least level 35 while knowing Taunt Yes
Cosmoem Solgaleo Level 53 during the Day Yes
Cosmoem Lunala Level 53 during the Night Yes
Dartrix Decidueye Level 34 during the Dawn or Day Yes
Dartrix Hisuian Decidueye Level 36 during the Dusk or Night Yes
Dewott Samurott Level 36 during the Dawn or Day Yes
Dewott Hisuian Samurott Level 36 during the Dusk or Night Yes
Dipplin Hydrapple At least level 1 while knowing Dragon Cheer Yes
Dunsparce Dudunsparce At least level 32 while knowing Hyper Drill Yes
Finizen Palafin Level 38 Yes
Fomantis Lurantis Level 34 during the Day No
Galarian Farfetch'd Sirfetch'd Level 30 Yes
Galarian Yamask Runerigus Level 34 Yes
Girafarig Farigiraf At least level 32 while knowing Twin Beam Yes
Gligar Gliscor Any Level during the Night Yes
Goomy Sliggoo Level 40 during the Dawn or Day Yes
Goomy Hisuian Sliggoo Level 40 during the Dusk or Night Yes
Hisuian Qwilfish Overqwil At least level 28 while knowing Barb Barrage Yes
Hisuian Sneasel Sneasler Any Level during the Day Yes
Inkay Malamar Level 30 Yes
Kirlia Gardevoir Level 30 if Female Yes
Kirlia Gallade Level 30 if Male Yes
Lickitung Lickilicky At least level 32 while knowing Rollout Yes
Mantyke Mantine Level 32 while having caught or hatched Remoraid at least once Yes
Meltan Melmetal Level 48 Yes
Mime Jr. Mr. Mime At least level 1 while knowing Mimic Yes
Pawmo Pawmot Level 32 Yes
Piloswine Mamoswine At least level 1 while knowing Ancient Power Yes
Poipole Naganadel At least level 1 while knowing Dragon Pulse Yes
Primeape Annihilape At least level 35 while knowing Rage Fist Yes
Quilava Typhlosion Level 36 during the Dawn or Day Yes
Quilava Hisuian Typhlosion Level 36 during the Dusk or Night Yes
Rellor Rabsca Level 29 Yes
Rufflet Braviary Level 54 during the Dawn or Day Yes
Rufflet Hisuian Braviary Level 54 during the Dusk or Night Yes
Sneasel Weavile Any Level during the Night Yes
Snorunt Glalie Level 42 if Male Yes
Snorunt Froslass Level 42 if Female Yes
Stantler Wyrdeer At least level 25 while knowing Psyshield Bash Yes
Steenee Tsaeeena At least level 28 while knowing Stomp Yes
Tangela Tangrowth At least level 34 while knowing Ancient Power Yes
Wurmple Silcoon Level 7 during the Day Yes
Wurmple Cascoon Level 7 during the Night Yes
Yanma Yanmega At least level 33 while knowing Ancient Power Yes

Alcremie Form Evolutions

When evolving Milcery with the Strawberry Sweet, the resulting Alcremie form is based on your current biome.

Click here to see all Alcremie Form Evolutions.

Graphic Form Biome PokéRogue Specific
Vanilla Cream Town, Plains, Grassy Field, Tall Grass Yes
Ruby Cream Badlands, Volcano, Graveyard, Factory, Slum Yes
Matcha Cream Forest, Swamp, Meadow, Jungle Yes
Mint Cream Sea, Beach, Lake, Seabed Yes
Lemon Cream Desert, Power Plant, Dojo, Ancient Ruins, Construction Site Yes
Salted Cream Mountain, Cave, Ice Cave, Fairy Cave, Snowy Forest Yes
Ruby Swirl Wasteland, Laboratory Yes
Caramel Swirl Temple, Island Yes
Rainbow Swirl The Abyss, Stratosphere, ??? Yes
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gameplay:evolutions [PokéRogue Wiki] (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.