Aliens, in general, are pretty scary. If films have taught us anything, beings from other worlds usually don’t like humans. Unless it’s E.T. or Howard the Duck, aliens generally want humanity to make a swift exit from the universe. Fortnite is no exception. Today, we’re looking at the best alien skins Fortnite has to offer.
If they’re from another planet that isn’t Earth and aren’t entirely human, they make the cut. “Regular” humans like Boba Fett, Thor, or Chani don’t count for this list.
Is the Mad Titan king of our list? Does a Wookiee take the top spot? Are symbiotes the best around?
Read on to find out what is the best Fortnite alien skin.
Honorary Mentions for the Best Fortnite Alien Skin
10. Groot

He is noble, strong, and courageous. He is Groot.
Also known as “Tree” to Thor, Groot is a trusted member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Before joining the rag-tag bunch of misfits, he was a partner and friend of other Guardian, Rocket Racoon. His “original” name/species was Flora Colossi, and he was initially created as an alien sent to capture humans for experiments.
Added during Season 4 of Chapter 2, Fortnite players could unlock Groot’s skin by reaching Level 38 in the Battle Pass. Like some other Marvel characters, he has four styles within the game; Default, Silver, Gold, and Holo Foil.
Groot’s Fortnite alien skin also has his buddy Rocket as a Back Bling, which you can unlock by completing Groot’s Awakening Challenges. Groot also has his Superpower called Bramble Shield, which can be found in Stark Supply Drops. This gives players a ball of brambles around them which block 200 points of damage.
Groot is also voiced by Adam Harrington in Fortnite, who voices him in cartoons and the GotG Telltale Game. For more awesome Marvel characters, check out our massive Marvel Fortnite skins list.
9. Demogorgon

A terrorizer of the people of Hawkins, Indiana, the Demogorgon was added as part of a crossover with Stranger Things.
Hailing from a parallel dimension known as “The Upside Down”, the Demogorgon AKA the Monster, is a hellish creature. The main antagonist of Season One of the Netflix show, it preyed upon those in the town of Hawkins.
Humanoid in stature, this Fortnite alien skin has several mouths on its head, lacking eyes, ears, or a nose. Since Stranger Things is set in the 1980s, it has a real classic movie monster look. (Spoiler Alert) Eleven eventually defeats it after using her telekinetic powers to turn it to ash.
Much like the Xenomorph, the Demogorgon is merely one of his species. This is seen in later series of the show when less evolved Demogorgons are set loose in the town.
The Demogorgon may never return to the store along with Hopper and the other Stranger Things Outfit. This is because Netflix canceled their licensing deals with video games at the end of 2019. Since this news, neither outfit has been seen in the Item Store.
The Demogorgon was also removed from the Dead By Daylight store but can still be accessed using certain physical copies.
Though this terrifying and horrific alien would never feature on our companion list, feel free to check out our list of the hottest Fortnite skins!
8. Krrsantan

Something you’d definitely see coming, the dark-furred Wookiee is an imposing figure. This ferocious beast is a lean, mean fighting machine, a bounty hunter and former gladiator.
Included in one of the many Star Wars crossovers, this Fortnite alien skin comes with the Boba Fett Bundle. This coincided with the Disney+ series’ release and contained Fett himself and former Imperial assassin Fennec Shand.
In his live-action debut, the Wookiee is employed by Jabba the Hutt’s cousins to take out Boba Fett. Eventually, he joins Fett in his war against the Pyke Syndicate.
Much more aggressive-looking than the well-known Chewbacca, Krrsantan’s black coat only adds to his aura. He also has a scar above his left eye, which was given to him during a scrap with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
While so many Star Wars characters have found their way to Fortnite, it’s odd that we haven’t seen Chewbacca. For now, Krrsantan is the Wookiee supreme of Fortnite.
The Top 7 Alien Fortnite Skins
7. Silver Surfer

A former human of the planet Zenn-La, Silver Surfer now rides the cosmic waves. Known as the Herald of Galactus, he journeys to planets to warn them of his master’s arrival.
Part of the many Marvel Outfits featured in the game, Silver Surfer washed ashore during Season 4 of Chapter 2. Real name Norrin Radd, his mission now revolves around visiting worlds that are to be consumed by the titan Galactus. His master must destroy planets to survive, with Surfer warning the planet’s people, giving them time to flee.
Despite Fortnite’s story involving Galactus and many other Marvel characters, the Surfer was not featured. Instead, Thor acts as Galactus’ Herald, warning everyone of the Black Winter. When Galactus discovers the Zero Point, Thor rushes ahead to warn the people of Apollo.
Having his own Set in Fortnite, the Silver Surfer alien skin comes bundled with Herald’s Star Back Bling, a Pickaxe, and his signature Surfboard. He’ll set you back 2,200 V-Bucks.
If you are also a fan of DC superheroes in addition to Marvel ones, you may want to check out our ranked list of every Fortnite DC character skin.
6. Xenomorph

Dubbed simply, “the Alien”, the Xenomorph is the dreaded enemy of Ellen Ripley. When The Alien is not terrorizing the members of the Nostromo, he’s fighting over humans with the top alien Fortnite skin on this list.
Introduced into the game during Season 5 of Chapter 2 with Ripley, the Xenomorph is from the planet Xenomorph Prime. Standing around 7 feet tall with a huge tail and two mouths, the alien is fear absolute.
The Xenomorphs hunt humans because they require their bodies to reproduce. Anyone who’s seen the films will know of the “Chest Buster” scene quite well. Once an adult, they possess superior strength, speed, and intelligence. The Queen Xenomorph has even more extraordinary abilities than her regular offspring.
Available for 1,600 V-Bucks alone or 2,200 V-Bucks bundled, this Fortnite alien skin uses its tail as a Harvesting Tool. In the In Space… Set, he comes together with Ripley and all of her cosmetic items.
5. Gamora

Adopted daughter of Thanos and sister to Nebula, Gamora is the last of her species. With her people wiped out by the Universal Church of Truth, Gamora was raised by Thanos as an assassin. Eventually, she would become a key member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Straying from her appearance in the MCU, Gamora instead dons an outfit seen in other media. Her white and black spacesuit looks similar to outfits seen in other video games such as Marvel vs. Capcom. With her green skin and hair to contrast, Gamora stands out from the crowd quite a bit.
Introduced in Chapter 7 of Season 2, she can be purchased for 1,500 V-Bucks solo or 2,200 bundled. Fortnite players could also unlock this alien skin by placing high in the Duos Tournament, the Gamora Cup, along with her Cloak.
She is part of the GotG Set along with Peter “Star-Lord” Quill. He, unfortunately, does not qualify for this list, despite his father being an alien, as he was born on Earth.
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4. Thanos

Known as the Mad Titan, Thanos is one of Marvel’s most feared villains. Thankfully he’s not as powerful in Fortnite, but he can still strike fear into all who see him.
Thanos first appeared in the game during the Fortnite x Avengers Infinity War event. Here he was more of an “upgrade” than a simple Outfit, unlocked by grabbing the Infinity Gauntlet. Upon putting on the glove, the player would transform into the big purple bad guy.
After the event, this alien’s Fortnite skin was added in Season 7 of Chapter 2 as a standard cosmetic outfit. Fortnite gave his new look a slight update from his initial one. He wears his full armor that he battles the Avengers with during End Game, including the mighty Gauntlet.
Thanos can perform the “Snap” Emote, but sadly it won’t eliminate half of your enemies.
The Top 3 Fortnite Alien Skins
3. Venom

One of Marvel’s most famous antiheroes, the symbiote known as Venom is a brawn over brains being.
After arriving on Earth, the symbiote bonded with Spider-Man. After rejecting the alien, he found Eddie Brock and bonded with him due to his anger. Since then, it’s been paired with other Marvel characters like Mac Gargan and Flash Thompson. However, it eventually found its way back to Brock, and later his son Dylan.
Venom actually has two versions of his Outfit in Fortnite; a “classic” version and one related to Eddie Brock. While these are the same character in lore, one is based on Tom Hardy’s likeness from the Venom film.
The difference between the two alien skins in Fortnite is that Eddie Brock becomes Venom via his Emote. “Standard” Venom, however, has no human form and lacks the white spider mark on his chest.
Venom technically has another variant skin titled Extreme, but the difference between the two is very slim. With Extreme, he has slightly more tendrils than his regular outfit.
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2. Carnage – Runner Up to the Best Alien Skin in Fortnite

A symbiote that bonded with someone much eviler than Eddie Brock, Carnage earns his name.
From the same species of Symbiote as Venom, this red version of the alien “teamed up” with Cletus Kasady. Kasady is a crazed criminal, and the two brought out the worst in each other.
A high-ticket item, Carnage was part of the Battle Pass in Chapter 2: Season 8 Battle Pass, costing 9 Stars. Carnage was released two weeks before the movie featuring him was released, and his look mirrors his on-screen style. His other variant, Maximum, has tendrils spilling out his back but no other changes.
A factoid about the alien Carnage is that he is the only Marvel Symbiote skin to not have a built-in Emote in Fortnite.
1. Predator – The Best Fortnite Alien Skin

A warrior race where only the strongest survive, the Predator is exactly that. A fearless beast that will never back down from a fight, they hunt as a way of life.
Technically called Yautja after their planet Yautja Prime, the “Predators” are merciless hunters. Part of Chapter 2: Season 5 Battle Pass, the Predator Fortnite skin could be received after completing the Jungle Hunter Quests.
Also appearing as a Boss character that awaits those in Stealthy Stronghold, Predator has some unique gear. If defeated, he’ll drop his Cloaking Device and Claw and thirty Gold Bars. His gear lets players turn invisible for a short period and deal extra melee damage.
Within Fortnite lore, he arrived in Reality Zero after pursuing Agent Jones after following him through a Pure Portal. By performing his unique Emote “Bio-Helmet Online”, you can remove this alien’s helmet from his skin in Fortnite to reveal his terrifying face.
The Verdict – The Best Fortnite Alien Skin
While we believe the Predator is the best Fortnite alien skin you can buy today, there are so many fantastic choices that we’d be amiss recommending only one. All of the alien skins in Fortnite would make terrific choices.
Which is your favorite alien skin in Fortnite? Let us know in the comment section below.
For other fun Fortnite skins, check out our funniest Fortnite skins list and our review of the best anime skins in Fortnite. Happy hunting!